My Son, the Cyborg! 
How Future Technologies Will Make People More Human

In this lecture, Germany's most innovative futurologist clears up one of the most widespread misconceptions of our time: "Technology is cold and inhumane. Artificial intelligence will replace humans as the Earth's most intelligent species and lead us into the apocalypse" .... so goes the commonly held opinion! Not so, according to Sven Gábor Jánzsky. The chairman of the 2b AHEAD ThinkTank explains, with charm and verve, how today's technological developments are simply a continuation of normal human evolution.

"Yes, computers will become more intelligent than humans! Yes, this will happen during our children's lifetimes - sometime around 2050!" So begins the renowned future expert's journey through time into the future.

But then he diverges from the standard arguments of the books and magazine articles predicting the apocalypse. Using the specific example of his own son, he describes a future world of technological advances. A world where computers surpass human intelligence and solve the greatest problems facing the world - problems created by humans of normal, average intelligence. They will manage climate change, build regenerative energy systems, make education more democratic, thwart terrorist attacks and achieve amazing scientific breakthroughs in medicine.

Jánszky asks, "Are the humans of today the logical conclusion of evolution?" Only to answer his own question with, "No, we are far from perfect or ideal. In fact, we are probably the least intelligent species imaginable which is capable of establishing civilisation!" All of this means, then, that the people of the future will also be different. Jansky's prognosis is clear and succinct: Our children's generation will experience for themselves how computers improve the human body. Tiny robots will be injected into our veins to seek out and neutralise harmful pathogens. People will gladly carry small chips under their skin which help them to not only see and hear better than the people of the past but will also improve their sense of taste, feel and smell. What's more, our children and grandchildren will experience new emotions which their parents did not even know about yet. They may even begin to experiment with chips in their brains which offer enhanced memory capabilities or the ability to bundle all of humanity's brainpower into one unit. "Let's take a good look at the future: our children will become cyborgs!", says Jánzsky.

But then he asks the biggest question of all: Will our kids, with all of this happening, feel less human than their parents do now or will they feel as if their humanity has been enhanced? And, will they give up the benefits, the chance to become more human, simply because they have to have 3 little chips inserted under their skin? No! "Technology will make us, humanity, even more human!" is his optimistic conclusion.

Sven Gábor Jánszky relegates the usual horror scenarios offered by the generation of preservers and refusers into the realm of myth. He uses his inside knowledge of the most innovative technological developments on our planet, his clear, analytical point of view and his authentic, human charm to tell the story of his son's future world. All the while, he also tells the story of how our children will take advantage of these technological advances to become happier, more self-reliant and to live more humanely than those before them. If we, their parents, allow it!

This detailed, stunning journey into the future will fascinate you and your guests. You will experience a speaker who, at all times and with every word, makes it clear how much he loves the future and how he is working to shape it properly for his children with his own two hands. He leaves you with the questions, "How much responsibility do you bear for the future of our children? And how do we influence this future with our current mindset?"