motivated, impassioned
and inspired
His Audience
Truly enlightening...enriching!
Julia BaronText & Training
The rising star among Germany's trend researchers.
Magdalena BeichelNürnberg Messe
It was a pleasure to experience you and your speech. Very inspiring!
Jutta EckebrechtIDG Communications Media
I've seen and listened to a lot of speeches, but yours was just "superb", in both a rhetorical and a factual sense. I was overwhelmed that one just one speaker could "grab" so many listeners.
Helga FörsterSAP-Forum
Charismatic! He draws his audience in.
Andrea BrändliChefredakteurin, Zeitschrift DirektMarketing
You, the trend researcher, have become a mega-trend in and of yourself.
Dr. Claudio FeltenChairman, buw consulting
Thank you for the great keynote speech at the SAP Forum in Karlsruhe, Easily my absolute highlight at the event.
Kim StrothmannPersonal, Miele & Cie. KG
... tonight was exciting, absolutely magnificent!
Michael WeissLeitung Presse- und Medienbetreuung, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
You have a truly natural and refreshing way about you ... coupled with unpresuming competence – a rare, refreshing combination.
Dr. Sylvia E. KernkeZierenberg
Rarely do you hear such an inspirational speech. Thank you very much!
Petra FranckPreCon
I thought you were brilliant today. You lit a fire in me ;-)
Michael HerzPenny Markt GmbH
People were glued to his every word. He polarizes but there is definitely well-founded, insightful depth.
Bernhard Boeschstv. Direktor, Richemont
The speech tonight was excellent! I was reminded of some of the best TED lectures. You had people clinging to your every word and made the future a tangible experience for the audience
Daniel N. LangGründer, velaia GmbH
Your presentation at the Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel was amazing!
Marcelo OliveiraERGO Versicherungsgruppe AG
The overwhelmingly positive reception to your lecture at Marc O‘Polo is making me seriously think about booking you as a guest speaker for our company.
Rainer BeckmannVerkaufsleiter, Ferrero Deutschland GmbH
Thanks for the inspiring keynote. For the first time, I had already downloaded two of a speaker's books to my tablet before they'd even finished their lecture.
Bernd WiestVorstand, Die eLearning AG
A huge thank you for the fantastic speech today at Credit Suisse. ... truly eye-opening!
Philipp KunfermannZürich
Andreas Kückerklickfeuer gmbh
Your presentation at the Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel was amazing!
Dr. Oliver GywatCredit Suisse AG
I just wanted to say, again, how striking and inspiring I thought your speech tonight was
Alexandra SchöneckSchatzmeisterei
I truly enjoyed listening to you and your speech, becoming immersed in the future!
Lucia Stockerdifferent angles
My compliment! That was special!
Oliver MathysJavadoplant
Your lecture has been running through my head since yesterday and has given me so much to consider and question, reasons to investigate ...
Brita HanafyQualitätsmanagement, Thomas Cook AG
Danke für den Vortrag! Sie haben meinen Tag gerettet. Es war großartig! Machen Sie genauso weiter!
Britta Kroggel